Trying to find a song about my Mom I can't just pick one, Their are so many songs I use to hear her sing and dance around the house. Back in the late 60-70's you can
Imagine all the songs that came across us in those years. Seems like music was a fashion in all ways.

Mom had a white Corviar car and 'boy' did we drive it every where. There was a gas station on PCH, how my mom would Say 50 cents worth! Wow Huh.
I enjoyed listing to the radio stations playing
Brenda Lee which was one of her favorites.
Mom always had a sass about herself. I truly loved how she carried herself. She even shown me and my sister Vicky how to do the
Locomotion. That was a mom and a girlfriend back then. How we always played songs on our 45's record player..Mom was a
Pretty Woman I loved her so.
She was Not a
PTA Mom.

Mom didn't take to well when the teachers treated her kids unfair, regardless she always stood behind us. Heck she taught me how to defend my kids when they too where young. And Oh did I..
Through the years she shared many things and memories in her life. The years being young, a Mom to us all. How often I called on her for the many questions and emotions I experience. How she was always there.
I use to hear mom sing many songs, It will take much more time then now to share.
I love you Mama, I well never stop missing you and your will always be
A girlfriend gave me a engraved poem when my mom passed:
If I had just one wish,
It would be for a stairway,
That Reached up to Heaven,
So I could bring you Home..