When I was young I remember a dollar would get us in to the movies with enough for popcorn and a soda back in the late 70's. This was at the Fox theater down by the pier In Redondo Beach, Calif. I seen a lot of movies in this old theater. Amazing what a 10 yr old thought. Growing up in Southern California you tend to meet and become even old pal friends from school days.
My mother use to work at an old cafe along the board walk off of the pier before she met our father and had children, she told me how Elizabeth Taylor came in alone and had a cup of coffee, Mom said she was nice and very polite voice. Mom said she looked as if she was glad to be away from the lime light she sat their for awhile.
I went to school with a boy who later became a really good tom boy friend we use to hang out at the beach or go bike riding along the stands of the coast. While watching an old movie, cant recall what it was but when the designer of clothing name appeared as Edith Head, he told me that his great aunt. I didn't think anything of it then, but her name really stuck to me all through the years when ever the costumes where by: and her name would appear.
The clothing back in those days where mostly hand made and very beautiful, seamstress are popular with great fashion, I recently found a site that helps custom make some of the costumes Sew On Set she has done great work and among film as well for Broadway stage. You know I never had the desire to be a star or famous, but some pals from school did I remember Demi Moore wanting to model, while we attended Hillcrest Jr High, she was pretty, and of course popular. When she became an actress I often wondered if that was her and old friends confirmed it was.
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